
2023-04-11 10:52:49 来源:教育在线


电影《超脱》是由托尼·凯耶执导,艾德里安·布洛迪、克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯主演的美国剧情片。该片讲述某些人群一种渴望自我救赎和被拯救的精神牢笼困扰。   剧情简介:影片的主人公亨利·巴赫特(阿德里安·布洛迪饰演)是一个代课老师,他接触的是问题少年教育,因他知道要把一个人从某种问题的精神牢笼中完全拯救出来是很难的,并且这种徒劳的失败感让他选择当一个职业的代课老师,不用背负太多的责任感来做一些让他感觉徒劳的事。他接了一份新的工作,到一间特殊的公立学校任教。这所学校集中了那个区最多问题的少年。他告诉自己应该在代课这一个月期间只需照本宣教,在课堂上不出现杀人事件,一切如常进行,他一个月后就可以拿到薪水功成身退。但最后还是逃不过内心对这些少年的同情和某种意义上的责任,开始尝试着引导和教育他们面对和改变这种内心病症。最后在影片结尾一个女孩的死亡又一次让主角陷入这种无力感。下面是一些它的经典英文台词: 

" Most of the teachers here, at one point, they believed that they could make a difference.I know how important it is to have guidance, to have someone help understand the complexities of the world that we live in. I didn"t really have that growing up." 

"There should be a prerequisite curriculum for being a parent before people attempt.Don"t try this at home!" 

ASSIMILATE: to take something in, to absorb

UBIQUITOUS: everywhere, all the time

Ubiquitous Assimilation: always absorb everything everywhere all the time. 

"How are you to imagine anything if the images are always provided for you? 

DOUBLETHINK: having two opposing beliefs at once, believing that both are true.

" To deliberately believe in lies while knowing they are false. Examples of this in everyday life. "I need to be pretty to be happy." "I need surgery to be pretty." "I need to be thin, famous, fashionable." "

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